Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 1 of C# Unity

It's Day 1.   I have checked over quite a few tutorials and guides and will be using the following in my 30 Days of C# Unity:

Now, I must put in a bit of a disclaimer: I have been around Unity for about 6 years and this year I used Unity for the first time during the Global Game Jam.  The vocabulary and UI are somewhat familiar to me.  That said, let's begin!

Unity Gems
    I began with the "Getting Started" card and focused on "Coding Conventions."  Some of you may know I am a huge fan of the book "Eloquent Ruby" by Russ Olsen.  The closer to convention and the more beautiful I can write my code, the happier I am.  "Coding Conventions" provided an extremely helpful foundation in the form of an article.  While I prefer an interactive tutorial, I was very happy with the content and presentation of information.  One thing I didn't notice was the name of the author or contributors.  This might be a useful addition to the site as it appears to have multiple/different contributors.

Unity Cookie
    I continued my Day 1 with Unity Cookie.  This YouTube video based tutorial site was highly recommended to me by my husband ( a Unity veteran of 6+ years).  Chris said it was one of the best tutorials for "Best Practices" within Unity.  I started at the beginning with Crash Course: Learn Unity by Wes McDermott.
    I must admit videos 1.1 - 1.4 moved a little slow for me.  This is where my disclaimer from earlier is most important.  The first video began with an overview of what the next three videos would cover.  The last video was actually a recap of what videos 1.2 and 1.3 covered.  This is excellent practice when giving a talk or presentation, but as each video was divided between links it seemed a bit wasteful.
    As promised, videos 1.2 and 1.3 gave a general overview of all that is Unity 3d. Wes spent time on whiteboards before going into the Unity Editor and identifying items and ideas covered in the whiteboard sessions.  I found it a little dry, but it might be due to the fact I am familiar with Unity's basic concepts already.  If you have watched these videos I would love to hear your opinion in the comments below.  Another perspective is always appreciated.

I stopped there and will begin Unity's Learn Tutorials on Scripting and the Space Shooter project tonight.  Watch for a blog post tomorrow morning on the results!


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